My Den

my thoughts, my experiences and more...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

A 10 Days Later

Another job switch in my life and I really do not know how many more to come. But this time the whole sole reson for the switch was money. But the place I left was lovely place to work and I would definately remember it for long time.

Now here I am in new organization where nobody knows me nor I know anybody just here with a bunch of strangers. Ya I know it will take some time to get used to this new enviroment but then you never know when the time would come to leave again for a new place.

But sometime I just wonder how does the life goes by as you make friends and leave them to fulfill some of your other dreams in life.

Thats the way I feel 10 days later ... ..


  • At 4:31 PM , Blogger Tasha said...

    Yeah, saying good bye is always difficult. Even if you hated your previous job.Give it some time man, and it sure will get better... All the Best for a new world full of adventure!


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